

SpyTalk, Jeff Stein

SpyTalk lives at the intersection of intelligence operations, foreign policy, homeland security, and military strategy. Hosted by veteran national security journalist Jeff Stein, the podcast features exclusives by SpyTalk’s roster of longtime reporters, news and profiles of US and foreign spymasters, and interviews with policymakers and expert authors. There’s nothing quite like it—a place for experts and laypersons alike, who enjoy national security scoops and insights by SpyTalk's subject matter experts.  For more SpyTalk go to: https://www.spytalk.co/

Categories: News & Politics

Listen to the last episode:

Can a good spy become a good politician? I mean, not as an undercover agent—spy agencies are pretty good at that—but in an overt way, in, say, the messy US Congress. Or, put another way, can the skills that a CIA officer employs in clandestine operations—gregariousness, empathy and, let’s face it, a learned talent for manipulating people, be put to good use in a place like a deeply polarized Congress? This week I’m putting those questions to Abigail Spanberger, a former member of the CIA’s clandestine service, who in 2018 won a seat in Congress from Virginia as a Democrat, breaking, by the way, a nearly 40-year long Republican chokehold on a sprawling district in the near and far suburbs Washington, DC. Since then Spanberger has developed a strong reputation for working across the aisle with Republicans on bills that help constituents. And now she’s running for governor of Virginia with no primary opposition.

Previous episodes

  • 127 - A Spy’s Life in Congress 
    Fri, 27 Sep 2024
  • 126 - Dissecting Israel's Pager Op 
    Fri, 20 Sep 2024
  • 125 - Inside Assad's Torture Chamber 
    Fri, 13 Sep 2024
  • 124 - Another China Spying Shocker 
    Fri, 6 Sep 2024
  • 123 - Former US Envoy to Russia on Ukraine’s Bleak Future 
    Sat, 31 Aug 2024
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